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June 05, 2010



What a wonderful blog, Christina--and what a fascinating story, to be walking in your grandfather's footsteps. How wonderful that you have his memoir as a guide!

I spent a few days in Iceland in 1999 and have never forgotten it. It was such a beautiful place, I've always wanted to go back.

Christina Sunley

Michelle, thanks for you comment. I hope you get back to Iceland someday! (By the way, it's very inexpensive here for Americans now, so it's a great time to come.)

Jody Heigaard

It's so very cool to see Seyðisfjörður again. All 8 of my great-grandparents emigrated from there to the Gardar area in the 1870's to the 1890's (they all came over separately). I was there in 2000 and we attended a family reunion with cousins that still live there at my great-grandfathers (father's side) farmstead. We also visited my maternal great-grandfather's farmstead as well. It was very wild to be at their childhood homes.

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